Friday, January 13, 2012

Where to Hide Man's Divinity

Once upon a time, every man had the Grace of God (Divinity) with them.  But they misused it, so the gods decided to take their Divinity away. The problem was, where to hide their Divinity where they would not find it?  So the gods met together. There were many suggestions.

But why would He hide it and make it all mysterious?

Spider and the Bug

There was once a spider who lived in a cornfield.  He was a big spider and he had spun a beautiful web between the corn stalks.  He got fat eating all the bugs that would get caught in his web.  He liked his home and planned to stay there for the rest of his life.

One day the spider caught a little bug in his web, and just as the spider was about to eat him, the bug said, "If you let me go I will tell you something important that will save your life."  The spider

So who is the bug, the spider, the corn and the Harvester?

The Elephant and The Five Blind Men

Our teachings and the present religions of the world are similar to the five blind men who wanted to figure out what an elephant looks like.  They found an elephant that they could get close to, touch, and

What is the Vision then?